Classical Archaeology: The Geometric and Archaic Periods

Course Code
ECTS Credits
2nd Semester
Course Category

Dr. Hara Thliveri, Special Lab and Teaching Staff

Course Description

The course is structured in two parts: The aim of the first part is to offer students a general review of the archaeological remains of the Geometric times that have been located in the Greek area, integrating them into the wider historic context of the Eastern Mediterranean, and to widen their knowledge on the subject of architecture (public and private), plastics, ceramics and metallurgy of said period. The second part includes the development of specific genres of Greek art during the Archaic period (7th – 6 th centuries BC) in association with the period’s historic fluctuations. It highlights the links between these conditions and the development of the arts, occurring simultaneously across the regional areas of the Greek world (South Italy and Sicily, North Africa, Black Sea and Minor Asia), where Greek colonies were founded.