Classical Archaeology: Τhe Classical Period
Dr Eleni Zimi, Associate Professor
The course outlines the profile of the Classical period (5th-4th century BC) through the study of material culture. Monuments and artefacts are studied in their historical context in order to illustrate innovations of this era and to understand the role of material culture in politics, economy and society of the evolving city-state. The course explores the following topics: - Material culture aspects of the classical civilization, focusing on democratic Athens. - City-planning: fortifications, houses, the agora. - Public architecture: the development of the orders, temples, theatres, gymnasia, stoas and circular buildings. - Greek sanctuaries. - Sculptures of the 5th and 4th centuries BC: originals and copies, the Severe style in Greek sculpture, the sculptures of Classical temples, Myron, Pheidias, Polykleitos, Praxiteles, Scopas, Lysippos, grave stelai. - Pottery and Iconography: characteristics and activity of major vase-painters. - Painting (Polygnotus, Parrasios, Zeuxis, Pausias, Filoxenos).