Cultural Resources Management I: Museology – Collections’ Management

Course Code
ECTS Credits
4th Semester
Course Category

Dr. Maria Kouri, Assistant Professor

Course Description

The course introduces students to the concepts of cultural resources management, focusing on museology and on the management and care of museum collections. The course presents the diachronic development of the museum institution from antiquity to the present and analyses the impact of the ever-changing socio-political and historical conditions on the definition, role and objectives of museums. Emphasis is given to the stipulations of modern museology regarding the definition, objectives and role of contemporary museums, especially pertaining to the museums’ constituencies and the objectives, the role and form of modern exhibitions. The course also examines main issues regarding the management of collections, beginning with core theoretical principles and a historical overview of collecting practices and types of collections. The collections policies of museums are discussed, emphasizing, among others, on acquisition and deaccession; research, documentation and cataloguing; care, preservation and conservation; and, storage and security.