Pedagogical issues to school inclusion for students with special educational needs

Course Code
ECTS Credits
Εξάμηνο ΣΤ
Course Category
Ιστορίας και Διαχείρισης Πολιτισμικών Αγαθών

Dr. Maria Drossinou, Assistant Professor (Dept. of Philology, UoP)

Course Description

The lesson is a key introduction to the concepts of Education for School Enrollment of pupils with Special Educational Needs (SEN) or Disabilities. The general aim and objectives of the course were focused on the study of the issues of School Integration and Pedagogical Science and Educational Action, utilizing the theoretical and research knowledge. Students, therefore, equally strengthened by traditionally excluded groups are part of the school community. The educational process as a whole, within the framework of formal and non formal education, is a prerequisite for emphasizing the views of school, social and special pedagogy by looking for inclusive education. In the theoretical and practical level, students will learn about the applications, the results and the prospect of Pedagogical of School inclusion to: Integration Courses Special Education in mainstream schools, accession Parallel Support Programs, special schools (kindergartens, primary schools, high schools , vocational schools), Specialized Vocational Education and Training Laboratories, Special Vocational High Schools and Lyceums. The following topics will be discussed in 13 lessons: Issues of pedagogy of School inclusion are discussed in relation to the organization and management of the classroom and the factors that constitute its social, learning and material framework, proposing ways to manage and cope with dysfunctions that emerge with emphasis on spatial integration. The pedagogical practices and facilities that choose to manage and promote School inclusion were discussed in relation to students with: -Mental Disabilities - Autism - Sensorial Disabilities - Motor Disabilities - Multiple Disabilities - Attention Deficit with or without Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), -Emotional and Behavioral problems (EMD) and deviance. Undergraduate students at the end of the course were able to understand and support pedagogically students with special educational needs and to facilitate pedagogical accessibility. They will also be able to understand flexible and appropriately differentiated curricula in language courses as well as the necessity of differentiations in the school's timetable