Prehistoric Archaeology: The Aegean and the East in the Bronze Age

Course Code
ECTS Credits
Εξάμηνο ΣΤ
Course Category
Αρχαιολογίας και Διαχείρισης Πολιτισμικών Αγαθών

Dr. Emilia Banou, Associate Professor

Course Description

The course offers an insight into selective aspects of Aegean civilizations (Cycladic, Minoan, Mycenaean) and their contemporaneous civilizations flourished in the East (Egypt, the Levant, Asia Minor), on a comparative basis. It explores similarities and differences that occurred due to contact of the aforementioned civilizations within the cosmopolitan environment of the Mediterranean, especially during the second millennium B.C., and critically discusses their interaction, as observed in specific domains, like institutions and diplomacy, trade, and religion.
The course is organized as follows: After a historical overview of the most important civilizations in the East according to their material remains, specific topics are selected for study, which form the subjects of papers presented by the students according to their special interests.
After successfully completing the course, the students will be able to:
- give a brief overview of the most important civilizations in the East during the Bronze Age;
- explore and solidly discuss interaction domains between Aegean civilizations and civilizations in the East;
- be aware of the prospects and the limitations of the aforementioned comparative approach;
- work on and collaborate for the preparation of a paper; present their work to an audience.