- The Role of Youth at the Front, the Occupation and the Resistance (1940-1944)
"The Role of Youth at the Front, the Occupation and the Resistance (1940-1944)"
is a Research Project
which is implemented exclusively with the support of the
General Secretariat for Lifelong Learning and Youth
of the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious AffairsThe project's scientific coordinator and creator is Dr. Thanasis Christou, Professor of Modern and Contemporary History at the Department of History, Archaeology and Management of Cultural Assets of the School of Humanities and Cultural Studies of the University of Peloponnese.
The result of this effort is the publication of two independent and self-contained volumes, 320 pages each, with valuable and hitherto unpublished historical documents of the Front, the Occupation and the Resistance (1940-1944), which are deposited in the Historical Archive of the Ministry of National Defence (Bundesarchiv/Militärarchiv-Freiburg) and the Historical Archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Politisches Archiv des Auswärtigen Amtes-Berlin).
The project is introduced by Mr. Pausanias Papageorgiou, Secretary General for Lifelong Learning and Youth of the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs.
The project is supervised by Dr. Vasilios L. Konstantinopoulos, Associate Professor of Ancient Greek Philology at the Department of Philology of the Faculty of Humanities and Cultural Studies of the University of Peloponnese and the whole project is supported by a Research Group of undergraduate and postgraduate students of the University.
Visit the Programme’s website at http://rolosneon.uop.gr/
The “Kalamata 1821 - Roads of Freedom” Programme is a project supported by the Operational Programme “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation” of the Ministry of Economy and Development co-funded by the European Community Fund and integrated in the Action “Research - Creation – Innovation” (NSRF 2014-2020). The Programme is under the auspices of H.E. the President of Democracy.
The programme runs as a partnership among the University of the Peloponnese (coordinator), the Non-Profit enterprise of the Municipality of Kalamata “FARIS” and the film company “VIEWMASTER Films SA”.
The aims of “KALAMATA 1821: Roads of Freedom” is to study and promote to a wide audience significant parameters of the 1821 era, and emphasise the links to the local historic memory and experience, but also to the present through historical, cultural and commercial routes. Such parameters include the preparation of the revolution, economic aspects, elements of architecture, culture and daily life, as well as the liberation of the first Greek city (Kalamata), and the naval battle of Navarino. This way important moments in the course of 200 years of history and the historical correlations of 1821 with the present will be highlighted.
The Programme has a three-year duration (July 2018 – June 2021) and will create three main cultural services/products:
A full-length movie that will present the events of March 1821; namely, the beginning of the Greek revolution in Kalamata, incorporating elements of history, architecture, music, culture, etc.
Digital multimedia applications that will reproduce or challenge city memories associated with 1821 (e.g. buildings, war heroes and legends, routes related to events of the revolution, etc.). These applications aim to encourage visitors and residents to move around places of interest across the city and the wider region, to experience the conditions of that era and participate in interactive educational games. The multimedia applications will be also hosted in the historic building of the Kalamata City Hall along with an exhibition of historic objects, offering visitors a first-hand taste of the story of Kalamata in the early 19th century.
New live events and re-enactments in the city of Kalamata with an emphasis on the interactive participation of visitors and residents. In addition to the digital media these events will create a framework of cultural, commercial and tourism activities that shall serve as an ongoing beacon for the yearly commemorative events in March.
Scientific Supervisor: Dr. Nikolaos Zacharias, Professor
Visit the Programme’s website at https://www.kalamata1821.com/
Το πρόγραμμα CUBES αποσκοπούσε στην ανάπτυξη ενός διαδραστικού προγράμματος εκπαίδευσης σε μια ανοιχτή προς όλους και φιλική προς τον χρήστη ψηφιακή πλατφόρμα, ώστε να δημιουργήσει και να μεταλαμπαδεύσει τεχνογνωσία αναφορικά με την αειφόρο διαχείριση των υλικών και άυλων πολιτισμικών πόρων. Ανοιχτό και προσβάσιμο σε όλους, το CUBES επιδίωκε να ενισχύσει κάθε τομέα της κοινωνίας (άτομα, φορείς, οργανώσεις) να υιοθετήσουν και να διαχειριστούν τους πολιτισμικούς πόρους τους με όρους βιωσιμότητας, αποβλέποντας στην ενίσχυση της πολιτιστικής δημοκρατίας καθώς και στη βιωσιμότητα των πολιτισμικών αγαθών. Το CUBES συγχρηματοδοτήθηκε από το πρόγραμμα Erasmus+, KA2 Συμπράξεις για Καινοτομία και Ανταλλαγή Καλών Πρακτικών, KA204 Στρατηγικές Συμπράξεις στον Τομέα της Εκπαίδευσης Ενηλίκων.
Για το πρόγραμμα, βλ. εδώ
The Programme aims at strengthening relations between the University and society. Its main aims are to design and realize symposia, educational seminars, exhibits and public education programming that promote dialogue between humanities and the arts on an everyday life-culture level. It also engages in research projects for salvaging and reconstructing the local history and culture of the Peloponnese, thus promoting the region as a center of intellectual exchange of national and international relevance. Finally, it provides educational programming and technical assistance to local elementary and high schools.
The Programme on Everyday Life and Culture was officially instituted by the University of the Peloponnese in 2011. Founding Head of the Programme is Professor Dr. C.Nadia Seremetakis.
Contact: everydayculturehellas@gmail.com
Visit the Programme’s website at http://culture.uop.gr/
- Project “Unit of Innovation and Enterprise of the University of the Peloponnese”
Project “Unit of Innovation and Enterprise of the University of the Peloponnese”
(Operational Programme “Education and Lifelong Learning”, National Strategic Reference Framework 2007-2013, co-funded by the European Social Fund and national resources)
Academic Supervisor: Dr. Athanasios Kriemadis, Professor
Departmental Supervisor: Dr. Ioanna Spiliopoulou, Assistant Professor
Instructor: Dr. Maria Kouri, Lecturer
Reaching out to the Local Community
The Project “Enterprising and Innovation” offered a great opportunity for students to gain theoretical knowledge as well as hands-on experience on different aspects of cultural enterprising, innovation production and marketing.
Furthermore, the Project led to establishing new synergies with prominent local cultural institutions, linking students with the professional world. In the framework of this Project teams of students designed, applied, marketed and evaluated original educational programmes on behalf of three local museums for different target groups.
The educational programmes created and offered to the local community sought to cover the cooperating institutions’ market gaps and were based on modern theories of museum education and cultural administration. The following programmes were applied:
The Project’s impact was multi-faceted. In addition to training students in the practical aspects of museum education and cultural management, it strengthened relations between the University and the local community.
The collaborations gained wide coverage by local media, as well as glowing evaluations by participants. Particularly the programme “Voyage to the History of Coin” was selected by the Archaeological Museum of Messenia to be offered during the European Days of Cultural Heritage 2012 and the International Day of Older Persons.
Case Studies
In the framework of the same project, two case studies on the cultural sector were commissioned and carried out, to be applied also as teaching and lecturing material:
Spiliopoulou, I. and M. Kouri. 2011. The School of Humanities and Cultural Studies of the University of the Peloponnese as a factor of local and regional development: innovative design of cultural tourism routes in Messenia. Commissioned by the University of the Peloponnese.
An updated version of the case study was published in the Sustainable Development, Culture, Traditions Journal (2014, vol.1a, 2a, 103-124). Read the abstract .
Spiliopoulou, I. and M. Kouri. 2012. Case Study for the cultural sector. Management of arts organisations: the Kalamata International Dance Festival. Commissioned by the University of the Peloponnese.