Byzantine History: Byzantium’s relations with Foreign Peoples

Course Code
ECTS Credits
6th Semester
Course Category
Ιστορίας και Διαχείρισης Πολιτισμικών Αγαθών

Dr. Dimitrios Vachaviolos, Special Lab and Teaching Staff

Course Description

Basic sources and survey of Byzantine diplomacy; Byzantium’s three main frontiers (West, North-East).
Survey of relations on the Western front (Germanophone/Latinophone peoples-Franks, Germans/Alamanni, Papal state, Holy Roman Empire, Normans, Venetians etc.-Italian maritime Republics, Crusades and Byzantium’s first fall in 1204)
Survey of Relations on the Northern front (pre-Ottoman Turkophone peoples [Avar-Slavs etc.]; period of Christianizations in the Balkans [Bulgarians, Serbs, Croats etc.]; Russians, later Turkophone peoples [Khazars, Hungarians/Magyars, Uzes, Patzinaks/Petchenegs, Kumans/Kiptchaks etc.])
Survey of relations on the Eastern front (Sassanid Persians, pre-Islamic and Muslim Arabs [Patriarchal Caliphate, Ummayads, Abbasids, Hamdanids, Fatimids, Ayyubids, Mamluks, etc.]; Christians of the Caucasus region [Armenians, Iberians/Georgians], pre-Ottoman Turks: Turkomans, Seljuks, Danishmendids and other dynasties; Ottomans and Byzantium’s final fall).
The less known Southern front (North African regions: Cyrenaica, Egypt, Blemmyes and Nubians –Byzantine influences in sub-Saharan Africa).