Papyrology -Palaeography – Codicology –Textual Criticism

Course Code
ECTS Credits
6th Semester
Course Category
Ιστορίας και Διαχείρισης Πολιτισμικών Αγαθών

Dr. Sophia Kapetanaki, Assistant Professor (Dept. of Philology, UoP)

Course Description

The course contents are: a. Papyrology and Palaeography and other disciplines related to them, b. Papyrus, parchment and paper as writing materials and writing instruments, c. Major discoveries of papyrus rolls, d. Majuscule Greek script, e. Minuscule Greek script, f. System of dating in Greek manuscripts, g. Abbreviations, symbols and ligatures, h. Principles of transcription, i. How a codex was made (quaternia, illumination, binding, etc.), j. Principles of textual criticism.