Dr. Photeine Perra, associate Professor
A. Medieval Period
Main sources (texts-documents); Survey of Byzantine period from the 4th c. A.D. to the Latin conquest in the early 13th c.; various periodic invaders and settlement (overall population)-relations between local populations and their conquerors; organization of town and farmer communities, roads network, farming production, commerce, land and sea routes; family types and everyday life; the Jewish element.
From the Latin to the Ottoman conquest (early 13th c. to 1460/61 A.D.); the Latin Principality of Achaia and the Byzantine Despotate of the Morea: Mystras as an administrative and cultural centre.
B. Post-Medieval and Modern period
Through the continual exchange of dominions in the Peloponnese following the fall of the Morea Despotate, in the course of Venetian-Ottoman strife, the course deals with the period’s main political events, with the political-economic-social institutions developed by the local populations under both Ottoman and Venetian domination, with the administrative division of the area, with the Mainots, the clans, the Venetian “Regnum” of the Morea, etc. A survey of the participation of Peloponnesians in revolutionary attempts (Kladas, Orloffs etc.) and their role in the preparation of the Greek War of Independence.